Cricket is the most easy game to play. Play more this week
and win up to US$200 migCredits!

How it works?

This contest is open to ALL USERS in any countries

Contest starts on 27 March 00:00 GMT until 29 March 23:59

Play with a minimum bet of US$0.50 and win at least 5 games
to qualify in this contest

Participants who win the most Cricket during the contest
period will be selected as a winner.

Winners & Prizes

Winner 1 : US$100

Winner 2 : US$50

Winner 3 : US$30

Winner 4 - 7 : US$5 each

Terms & Condition

Only Cricket game is valid for this contest

The use of multi IDs will be disqualified.

Winners cannot be the same ID's owner.

Refunded games will be disqualified.

If you have any question, please post on miniblog with a
hash tag #merchantcontest

Good Luck!

Who is Your MiniMe? March 24, 2015

Make the cutest version of yourself.

Create adorable avatars on MiniMe, and win USD90 credit!

MiniMe is an avatar creation app by LoveByte, available on iOS and Android. With a huge collection of facial features, hairstyles, accessories, and clothes to choose from, you can spend hours of fun creating avatars for you and your friends!

Plus, you can win credit!
USD30 credit (1 winner)
USD15 credit (4 winners)

Here’s how to win credit


1. Download MiniMe on iOS or Android, and create a cute avatar
2. Share it with your friends on mig by posting it on your miniblog!
3. Now share your post with your friends everywhere else – Facebook, Twitter and email
4. Bring your friends to view the post in mig!

Download the app now!

Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 sharers who get the most friends from Facebook, Twitter and email to view the post in mig.

Contest Period: 25 March 2015, 14:00 Singapore Time (GMT +8:00) to 30 March 2015, 23:59 Singapore Time (GMT +8:00)

Terms and conditions apply.
- See more at:

Who is Your MiniMe?

March 24, 2015
Make the cutest version of yourself.
Create adorable avatars on MiniMe, and win USD90 credit!
MiniMe is an avatar creation app by LoveByte, available on iOS and Android. With a huge collection of facial features, hairstyles, accessories, and clothes to choose from, you can spend hours of fun creating avatars for you and your friends!
Plus, you can win credit!
USD30 credit (1 winner)
USD15 credit (4 winners)
Here’s how to win credit
1. Download MiniMe on iOS or Android, and create a cute avatar
2. Share it with your friends on mig by posting it on your miniblog!
3. Now share your post with your friends everywhere else – Facebook, Twitter and email
4. Bring your friends to view the post in mig!
Download the app now!
Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 sharers who get the most friends from Facebook, Twitter and email to view the post in mig.
Contest Period: 25 March 2015, 14:00 Singapore Time (GMT +8:00) to 30 March 2015, 23:59 Singapore Time (GMT +8:00)
Terms and conditions apply.
- See more at:


Guess how many 1 US note can fit in the
box and stand a chance to win up to US$150!

How it works?

This contest is open to ALL USERS in any

Contest starts on 24 March 00:00 GMT
until 26 March 23:59 GMT

Answer this question by posting in

Question :

many 1$ Dollar US note can fit in a box with a dimension of Length : 25.41 cm,
Width : 15.49 inches and Height : 485.8 mm?"

To answer, post in miniblog with a hash
tag #DoTheMath <answer>

5 LUCKY participants with the correct
answer will be selected as a winner

Winners & Prizes

Winner 1 : US$50

Winner 2: US$40

Winner 3: US$30

Winner 4: US$20

Winner 5: US$10

Terms & Condition

One ID per entry. Duplicate answer from
the same ID will be disqualified.

If no one answer correctly, we'll choose
participants who guess with the closest answer.

Good Luck!�Regards,migme Merchant Team

March Lowcard Championship


you ready to win up to US$ 1,000 worth of migCredits? Play Lowcard and win the
most game to be selected as a winner!

It Works?


Qualification Round is open to all users in any countries.

The battle start at 22 March 7:00 GMT until 24 March 23:59 GMT

Play Lowcard game in any chat room with a minimum start at US$0.10

Country with the most participants won Lowcard during the contest period will
be selected to the Group Stage for
the next battle.

Check out the result if your country selected for the next round on 25 March in
miniblog under topic #MLC (March Lowcard Champion)

Group Stage

Group Stage round is open to all users in countries that qualified during Qualification Round

The battle start at 26 March 7:00 GMT until 27 March 23:59 GMT

Play Lowcard game in any chat room with a minimum start at US$0.10

Country with the most participants won Lowcard during the contest period will
be selected to the Final Stage for
the next battle.

Check out the result if your country selected for the next round on 28 March in
miniblog under topic #MLC (March Lowcard Champion)

Final Stage

Final Stage is open to all users in countries that qualified during Group Stage

The battle start at 29 March 7:00 GMT until 30 March 23:59 GMT

Play Lowcard game in any chat room with a minimum start at US$0.10

Country with the most participants won Lowcard during the contest period will
be selected as March Lowcard Champion

Check out the final result in #MLC if you are the top 10 winners!

Note : Winners are the
gamers who won the most game on the Final Stage.

Winners &

Grand Prize : US$ 320

up : US$ 220

3 : US$ 120

4 : US$ 80

5 : US$ 60

Prize : Winner 6-10 get US$ 40 each


out how to Play Lowcard here : Login
> Play > Low Card

you have any question, please contact us in miniblog at #merchantcontest.


Merchant Celebrity Buzzword (19 – 23 March)


mig is
getting more fun than ever, with more and more celebrities all over the world
sharing their lives here. Be part of it!

Be the
first to get breaking news and exciting celebrity stories, and join the
chatter. Spot who’s trending this week, before everyone else, and you'll be
richly rewarded!�


1. Chase the Buzz

Pick out
the trending celebrities by checking out all the celebrities’ miniblogs and
official migme accounts. The clues are all there!

2. Party On!

Everyone loves
a gift party. Start one now in your chat room, get your participants to send
“Slank” gifts to the trending celebrities inside your chat room. Send more to
win. Go crazy!

3. Interact

See an
interesting celeb post? Got something say? Post a reply, or share away! If you
get mentioned by the celebs, you could win US$50!*


Top 3 chat
room owners with the highest number of �“Slank” gifts sent to the correct
celebrity win:

1st Prize –

2nd Prize –

3rd Prize –

10 users
who sent “Slank” gifts to the correct celebrity win US$10 each.

starts on 19 March 11:59 GMT and ends 23 March 11:59 GMT, and is open to all
merchants in ALL countries.

Find the
trending celebrities now! And stay wired for the hottest celebrity posts and
stories every week.

Have fun!

Merchant Team

Top Player Contest

Dear Merchants,Once again Top
Gamer in Reenas Arena is back� ! Get ready to win up to US$200 worth of
migCredits! (20th -21st march)

How it works :

This contest open
to all users

Contest period
20th� March 00:00 GMT -21th March 23:59 GMT .

Only Cricket Game
valid in this contest with minimum bet of US$0.05

Winners will be
selected based on most played

There will be 10
winner to be selected� each will win US$20 each migcredits

�Regards,migme Merchant Team

​Celebrity Look Alike

Celebrity Look Alike
Has anyone ever told you that you look like someone famous? Submit a photo to prove it and you will be in the running to win some great prizes!

How it Works?
This contest is open to ALL USERS in any countries
Contest starts on 9 March 00:00 GMT until 12 March 23:59 GMT
Post your photo together with your celebrity-look-alike in miniblog with a hash tag #CelebrityLookAlike
Add description on your photo with the celebrity name. Example : JUSTINBIEBER #CelebrityLookAlike <attach photo>
Get the the most users to vote for your photo (agree that you look like the celebrity) , by sending you ANY gift.
Participants with the most vote (receive the most gift) from a different users will be selected as a winner.
You must get at least 20 gifts from different users to qualify in this contest.

Winners & Prizes
5 winners with the most vote get US$50 each

Terms & Condition
One entry per participant. Multiple post/entries will be automatically disqualified.
The use of multi IDs will be disqualified.
Winners cannot be the same ID's owner.
Incomplete entries will be disqualified.

Get your friend to share you photo so you can get a maximum vote!

If you have any question, please post on miniblog with a hash tag #merchantcontest

Good Luck!
migme Merchant Team

Celebrity Buzzword

Hi Merchant,

Win US$500 credit this weekend in Celebrity Buzzword!

Celebrity Buzzword is a trending topic on miniblog that all started with a few celebrities’ post. It’s what everyone’s talking about now. Can you figure out what it is and which celebs started it? You could win US$500 credit!

Here’s a hint: the celebs come from all over!

How it Works
1.       Guess which celebrity started the current trending topic on miniblog
2.       Get your tagged users to send gifts to the celebrity
3.       Contest is open to all merchants in ALL countries
4.       Contest starts on 6 March 04:00 GMT and ends 9 March 11:59 GMT
US $500 x 1 winner – The Merchant with the highest number of participating tagged users win
US $50 x 10 winners – 10 tagged users who sent a gift to the trending celebrity will be selected

1.       Poke around the official channels and mig staff accounts for clues!
2.       Share this message with your tagged users to increase your chances of winning.
3.       No tagged users yet? Find out more about tagging here:

The Migme Merchant Team

Source: 6th March 2015;  Merchant Email 

Bring Your World to mig March 4, 2015

Sharing is simple.
See a funny or interesting post that your buddies would love? You can now share it with all your friends, on Facebook, Twitter, email, everywhere. Just click the share icon on the post, and start the chatter. J2ME users, use WAP to start sharing and join in the fun!

It pays to share!
If you spot a post on mig starting to trend or create lots of buzz, share it now because you’ll be richly rewarded!

We’re tracking the most viral post on mig, and giving lots of credit to its top 5 sharers – users who shared externally on Facebook, Twitter, or email, and got the most number of people clicking to view the post in mig. It could be you!

Prizes: Total USD150 credit.
Top sharer gets USD50 credit, next 4 sharers get USD25 credit each.

Ready to go?


Share this recent trending post by Indonesian Bobby Antonio between 4 March 2015, 1400 Singapore Time (GMT +8:00) to 6 March 2015, 2359 Singapore Time (GMT +8:00) for a chance to win!

Terms and Conditions Apply.

- See more at:
Sharing is simple.
See a funny or interesting post that your buddies would love? You can now share it with all your friends, on Facebook, Twitter, email, everywhere. Just click the share icon on the post, and start the chatter. J2ME users, use WAP to start sharing and join in the fun!
 It pays to share!
If you spot a post on mig starting to trend or create lots of buzz, share it now because you’ll be richly rewarded!
We’re tracking the most viral post on mig, and giving lots of credit to its top 5 sharers – users who shared externally on Facebook, Twitter, or email, and got the most number of people clicking to view the post in mig. It could be you!
 Prizes: Total USD150 credit.
Top sharer gets USD50 credit, next 4 sharers get USD25 credit each.
Ready to go?
Share this recent trending post by Indonesian Bobby Antonio between 4 March 2015, 1400 Singapore Time (GMT +8:00) to 6 March 2015, 2359 Singapore Time (GMT +8:00) for a chance to win!

Terms and Conditions Apply.
- See more at:

Bring Your World to mig

Bring Your World to mig


Get more followers and win up to US$200 worth of migCredits!
How it Works?
This contest is open to all MERCHANT in any countries.
Contest starts on 3 March 00:00 GMT until 6 March 23:59 GMT
Get at least 20 users to FOLLOW you in miniblog during the contest period to win
Followers can be Merchant, Normal Users, or both.
Merchant with the highest Followers during the contest period will be selected as a winner.

Winners & Prizes :
Winner 1: US$50
Winner 2: US$40
Winner 3: US$30
Winner 4: US$20
Winner 5: US$10
Winner 6-10:US$5 each

Terms & Condition :
Followers must be a genuine users (not multi ID)
Merchant, who followed by Multi IDs will not eligible for any future contest.

TIPS : Get more followers by following others, posting interesting photos, sharing your posts on other social networking sites, leaving genuine comments on other people’s photos and get them to reshare your post!

If you have any question, please post on miniblog with a hash tag #merchantcontest