Will You Be Mr & Miss mig 2015? June 5, 2015

The competition to be Mr & Miss mig 2015 is now open. Will you walk away with the title, the crown, and other prizes? Read on to find out how! Voters stand a chance to win a special prize too.

Nomination Round
Nominate your favourite user, and even yourself! Being Mr and Miss mig 2015 wins you the best title of the year, and it comes with amazing prizes.

How to vote:
1) Send a ‘Mr mig‘ gift or ‘Miss mig‘ gift to @mrandmissmig.
2) When sending the gifts, include the username of the person you want to vote for in the message section.
3) ‘Mr mig’ gifts should be sent to vote for Mr mig, and ‘Miss mig’ gifts should be sent to vote for Miss mig.

*Each user may only send a maximum of 5 ‘Mr mig’ and ‘Miss mig’ gifts each, so make your vote count! Vote only for the one you want to win.*



The top* 10 nominations for both categories will go on to fight for the titles of Mr and Miss mig 2015! Check here after the round has ended to see if you have made it into the top 10.

*Top users are users who receive the most number of votes.

10 random voters will be selected to win USD$50 credits each!

Next round is the Finals Round. Can you be the most popular to win the title of Mr or Miss mig 2015? Stay tuned for more details to be released!

Contest Period:
Round 1 – Nominations: 5 June 09:00 GMT to 12 June 07:00 GMT
 Mr mig 2015
Avatar item: Mr mig Crown
Badge: Mr mig 2015
Ultra special prize, to be announced!

Miss mig 2015
Avatar item: Miss mig Crown
Badge: Miss mig 2015
Ultra special prize, to be announced!

10 Voters
USD$50 credits each

- See more at:


Mr mig 2015
Avatar item: Mr mig Crown
Badge: Mr mig 2015
Ultra special prize, to be announced!
Miss mig 2015
Avatar item: Miss mig Crown
Badge: Miss mig 2015
Ultra special prize, to be announced!
10 Voters
USD$50 credits each
- See more at: http://discover.mig.me/2015/06/05/will-mr-miss-mig-2015/?isLoggedIn=1#sthash.oYdT9aeX.dpuf

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