10 Little Defining Moments In A Woman’s Life

I’ve hit certain moments in a woman’s life that aren’t often discussed, but at some point, happen to every woman.

The moment when…

10. …she stops dressing for anyone but herself.

9. …she decides to accept and love her boobs for what they are — or just uses a push-up bra and is done with the whole thing.

8. …she has the balls to turn someone down, to their face, instead of being polite and telling them it can’t work “right now.” 

7. …she says, “screw it” and uses her laptop as a heating pad, which is probably not healthy, but again, screw it.

6. …she stops lying about her age. There are two moments when she does this: when she’s around 19, she stops lying about being older, because she thinks it makes her cool, and when she’s around 27 she stops lying about being younger, because… she thinks it makes her cool. 

5. …she fully embraces her inner “I don’t give a fuck” lady, the lady who comes to save all us women at some point. Some are lucky enough to be visited by her early in life. Some of us don’t meet her until we reach our 30s or beyond. But once she comes, she’s here to stay. And it’s so freeing.

4. …she finally stops agonizing over texts and asking her friends to analyze them with her, like they’re poring over the Warren Commission and she’s a second shooter believer. She realizes now that she no longer has time for such nonsense. 

3. …and she reaches the point where if they don’t text back, she believes it is entirely their loss, and moves on with her life.

2. …she doesn’t care if she’s tagged in an unflattering photo, because what does it matter, really? She knows she’s hot.
1. …she realizes the only type of woman that she has to be is the woman she already is.

This Post was originally featured image – Shutterstock

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