Loss Weight: 7 Unbelievable ginger benefits

7 Unbelievable ginger benefits for health and weight loss
Ginger comes on the top of the list of effective natural home remedies. Ginger is one of the foods that can give you a health punch, because it is so full of healthy benefits for your body and mind.

Ginger helps regulate Cholesterol

Consuming ginger can have a profound effect on high cholesterol levels that are often attributed to obesity among women and men. High cholesterol levels in a person can indicate higher than normal BMI and can thus, lead to obesity-related illnesses like heart disease and certain cancers. Ginger helps lower cholesterol by significantly reducing serum and hepatic cholesterol levels. Ginger also acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure.

Immune Boosting Action

Ginger helps improve the immune system. Ginger is one of the oldest cures for cold, nausea and flu as it has anti-viral and anti fungal properties. It cures cold and provides instant relief and also kills the bacteria that causes cold and ensures that it doesn’t return. Drinking ginger as a tea will ease sore throat, non-stop coughing and even congestion. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help prevent chills, fever, and excessive sweat. Plus, it acts as an antihistamine and hence is useful in dealing with allergies. Ginger tea is used for weight loss as it increases metabolism, stimulates circulation and excretion of toxins from the body.

Gastrointestinal Relief

Ginger is very effective in preventing the symptoms of motion sickness, especially sea sickness. Ginger reduces all symptoms associated with motion sickness including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweating. Millions suffering from heartburn and indigestion might be saving a pretty penny if they gave ginger tea a try. The herb facilitates colon cleansing as well. Cleansing the colon also helps in good digestion, therefore more digestion, more weight loss.


One of the most effective uses of ginger is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce joint inflammations. The anti-inflammatory compounds responsible for significantly reducing inflammation are called gingerols. Best for arthritis patients. The root of ginger is best known for this purpose. It does not allow blood vessels to get inflamed and thus it helps increase the flow of blood to the body and cures the pain. Ginger helps in expanding the blood vessels which increases your body heat. This makes your body burn more fat.

ginger root - ginger benefits weight loss

Food Satiety

In addition to increasing fat loss, ginger may also help a person to feel satiated, which in turn reduces food consumption. Also, it’s been proved that ginger works as a natural appetite suppressant which is the best way to lose weight. Natural appetite suppressants are safe and cause no rebound. Ginger is nearly calorie-free, and when used in cooking or brewed in tea, it can give you a slight advantage in meeting your weight loss goals. Ginger and weight loss go together well partly because ginger is known to be a thermogenic food. It raises the temperature of the body and helps boost metabolism, so you burn more fat than you would simply by dieting alone.

Cortisol Production

Ginger suppresses cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone necessary for energy regulation and mobilization. But chronic stress can cause cortisol levels to rise too high. Adipose fat moves to the visceral area where it receives an increased blood supply that encourages tissues to produce an excess amount of cortisol. High cortisol levels may increase excess belly fat and weight gain.

Good for Digestion

Ginger has a beneficial effect on your overall digestive system, helping to regulate and aid the movement of food through your stomach, and small and large intestines. When everything moves more smoothly, you benefit by losing weight more easily.
Note that ginger should not be used by pregnant or nursing mothers except under physician supervision. Because ginger also has high fiber content, it increases gastrointestinal motility. By increasing the rate of metabolism, ginger can help burn off some of the fat stored up in the body.


- Make ginger lemonade. Simply combine freshly grated ginger, lemon juice, cane juice or honey and water.
- Ginger for weight loss, it can be used not only in the form of tea, but also in handling salads. Since ginger tea invigorates, it is not advisable to drink in the evening.
- Add extra to your rice side dishes by sprinkling grated ginger.
- Combine ginger, soy sauce, olive oil and garlic to make a wonderful salad dressing.
- Spice up your healthy sautéed vegetables by adding freshly minced ginger.
- You can always brew with tea (black, green). If ginger tea drinks with honey, it is necessary to slow or has been diluted in warm tea.

Avoid The New Year’s Headache: Drinks Party

Hangover Cures: Avoid The New Year’s Headache


I love this topic. In fact, I’ve written about it a few times before. If you’re interested in learning if and how alcohol affects muscle building, strength, and fat loss – stay tuned for more tips.
Let’s start by getting two things out of the way:
1. I think it’s safe to say that most people will over-indulge in drinks on new year’s eve and proper nutrition is the way to go in reducing your new year’s day hangover.
2. I’m sorry to say that there in no actual hangover cure, but there are many ways to reduce a hangover, or help you recover quickly from one.

Enjoy the New Year – I have the hangover covered

One of the main reasons why I love this topic is because I love to let loose and party for new years and the holidays.
The average alcohol consumption goes up during these times of the year. So much so, that some hospitals report many ER visits from people who have “holiday heart arrhythmia”.
An alcohol induced version of arrhythmia that usually goes away, and isn’t too concerning, but it is a warning sign.
I’ve listed a few of the top hangover “cures” below:

1. Hydration (water + electrolytes)

Hydration is key to reducing the effects of a hangover.
I’m sure you’ve noticed that having a glass of water before bed helps a bit the next morning. Re-filling that glass and keeping it bedside for the morning is also important.

However, your electrolyte balance plays a HUGE roll in how you feel and how well you re-hydrate.
Electrolytes are crucial not only to hydration but to regular functions of life as well. They are essential minerals that your body can’t make, meaning you need to get them through the diet.

In terms of hydration, they help direct certain amounts of water into parts of the body that need it.
They are also crucial to the function of the nervous system and they are used to contract and relax your muscles.

When you drink alcohol, it not only dehydrates you, but it also depletes many vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function optimally. The decrease in electrolytes is one reason why you feel so crappy and lethargic the next morning.
Solution: Try a sports drink that has electrolytes in it either before bed, or in the morning when you wake up. You’ll be glad you did.

2. Eating fatty foods

As much as I hate to admit it, eating a big dirty meal before drinking can help cure your hangover (if you can stomach it).

Some of the fatty acids can help act as a lining of the stomach and because they take longer to digest.
It also slows the process of alcohol digestion. This is also a common strategy to do the morning after drinking.

The mixture of a high calorie breakfast with a mixed ratio of carbs, fat and protein can be beneficial in balancing blood glucose levels, providing vitamins and minerals that have been depleted and again, coating the stomach for some relief.
Solution: If you choose to eat a big breakfast after, certain ingredients will help more than others.

3. Eggs

Eggs are great, especially if you care about fitness.
They’re a quality protein source so you preserve your muscles AND they are rich in an amino acid called “cysteine” which helps break down toxins such as alcohol.

4. Greek Yogurt + Fruit

Greek yogurt is another phenomenal protein source with a creamy texture that can also sooth the stomach lining.
When couples with fruits (especially berries), your body will use its antioxidants to fight off the free radicals that alcohol produces in the body.

Those are just a few proven remedies

new year's day hangover_2
My favourite is always the sports drink, half before bed, half when I wake up, then an hour or so later, going for a nice breakfast.
Common folklore speaks of many crazy (and gross) sounding remedies and most are some form of fermented food that may not seem appealing.
However, some research has proven fermented foods like pickles to be soothing for the stomach during a hangover and they do carry electrolytes as well.

What about exercise?

I know… that’s why I saved it for last.
IF you SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY get your butt out of bed, going for a light aerobic workout will help you rid your body of toxins, and any left over alcohol itself.
The body does so in two ways.

1. Sweats out toxins and increases your metabolism
2. Increases your HR which in turn increases your breathing volume.
Yes, you can actually breathe out alcohol from your body. Although not a whole lot in the grand scheme, you may be releasing 2-3 or more times the amount you would if you weren’t exercising.

This does NOT apply to strength training.
Your nervous system is for the bin the day after heavy drinking. You won’t be as strong, or have as much work capacity so unless you’re doing a “de-load” workout, or aerobic exercise, you’re better of skipping the gym that day.

So if you happen to drink a bit too much new year’s eve, don’t forget to give these remedies a try, in order from first to last.

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits
Tea is fabulous- and so are all of its benefits. Drink your way to good health by trying a variety of the healthiest teas. For those of you that have not embraced the tea drinking habit, maybe you’ll consider brewing a batch after reading this! Drink it hot, drink it cold…whichever way you like!

What are the healthiest teas?

1)     One of the healthiest teas is Green tea: It’s good for your eyes AND your heart! Just like any part of the body, your eyes and heart can suffer from oxidative stress. Green tea improves endothelial function which is related to cardiovascular health. Drink Green tea and not only will you see better but your heart will love it too!

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits

2)     White Tea: This tea is anti-aging! Who doesn’t want to look younger? It has a high polyphenol count which makes you gorgeous! The extracts in white tea inhibit wrinkle production by strengthening elastin and collagen in your skin. Did you know the fountain of youth is inside one of your daily mug of healthiest teas?

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits
3)     Black Tea: Black tea is good for you in so many ways! It is good for relieving stress as well as reducing blood pressure. As stress goes up, so does your blood pressure (which puts you at risk for heart attack and stroke). Hold the stress and grab a cup of black tea. You’ll also lower your blood pressure while you’re at it! In addition, black tea will also freshen your breath at the same time! Black tea is one of the healthiest teas around. It is full of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that inhibit plaque and bacterial growth in the mouth. In addition to this, it has glucose-inhibiting properties, meaning that it may also help to prevent diabetes! Drink black tea to have low blood pressure, a slim waist line, fresh breath, and to be stress free!

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits

4)     Peppermint Tea: Sip on this delicious, yet potent tea to relieve constipation or GI irregularity. Whenever you experience an uncomfortable bout of constipation, peppermint tea is sure to improve motility in the GI tract and get you going.
7 healthiest teas and their health benefits

5)     Ginger Tea: This anti-inflammatory tea is another on our list of healthiest teas. It will relieve any migraine because it blocks prostaglandins- the chemical messengers that cause swelling in the brain. It works just as fast, or faster than aspirin would, so why not go nautral! It will also help to relive sore muscles and joints. If that’s not enough it will also help to improve any gastrointestinal inflammation you may have.

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits

6)     Kombucha Tea: What’s that? It’s a fizzy, fermented tea drink that is actually full of beneficial bacteria and yeast. Consumption of Kombucha tea promotes the growth of healthy flora and gut health. It is essentially a liquid probiotic supplement. You’re giving your body what it needs to function efficiently, keeping digestion working properly and your immune system working at its potential.

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits

7)     Passionflower Tea: Passionflower has the flavone chrysin, which has anti-anxiety benefits. It works best for people with anxiety or OCD. Restless at night because you cannot shut your brain off? Try a cup of passionflower tea before bed to calm your mind.

7 healthiest teas and their health benefits

You can use tea bags or go loose, drink it hot or cold, but either way, tea is fabulous! So why not try some of the healthiest teas as a refreshing alternative to other drinks.

Out of ordinary beauty hacks

This usually happens when you let nail polish stay on your nails for very long and when you’ve used cheap nail polish. Whiten them all up by rubbing toothpaste to remove the stains. You can also add a few drops of lemon for extra whitening, it’s a natural bleaching agent. beauty-tips Use suntan oil to treat damaged hair.
Here’s another use for that coconut suntan oil you love so much. If your tresses have been damaged from over styling or coloring, you can use this oil to treat it. Rinse your hair with warm water and then with a dollop of suntan oil, rub this on your hair. Wrap it in plastic cling wrap and secure with a towel. Sleep with this on overnight. The next day, wash your hair with baby shampoo (or anything moisturizing) to get the greasiness out.
Protect skin from the pool and the beach.
Don’t you hate the chlorine smell after swimming in the pool and the sticky feel of sea salt on your hair and skin after a dip in the beach? You can help minimize these effects by showering first with non-chlorinated water, which fills your pores and hair follicles. By doing this your hair won’t soak up much more water and then the residues will be easy to shower off.
beauty-tips Treat burns with milk.
This tip is from Katie Wright (thanks Katie!) If you’re burnt badly, first aid treatment could be standing under the shower and pouring canned milk over the burns. It will help pull the heat from the burn until you can get medical treatment.
Hydrate before travelling.
Since when you’re in a plane, you’re much closer to the sun, the proximity lets you be exposed more to the solar rays. Avoid drinking alcohol and salty foods because they are dehydrating. Drink lots of water instead, this will help your skin a lot.
beauty-tips Powder Your Roots 
If by any chance you have no chance to jump into the shower and you need to look your best. Say for example you’ve spend the whole night preparing for an important presentation. Get a fluffy makeup brush and dab it onto loose powder and then brush it on the roots of your hair. Shake off the excess. The powder will soak off the grease in your locks.
beauty-tips Cure Calluses with Vaseline or petroleum jelly
It’s very unsightly to see hard calluses on your feet especially when you’ve been wearing closed shoes for a long time. I’ve seen a friend do this. To soften these tough calluses, she puts on petroleum jelly on them and puts on socks before going to bed.
beauty-tips Spot-Treat Smudges
I find cotton tips very usual for this. You can use it on your eyelids if you’ve made a mistake with your eyeliner and for your nails to correct a stray nail polish line.
Soften Your Body with an Avocado
Since avocadoes are natural moisturizers. Mash one up and slather this on your body just before taking a shower. The body mask will do wonders for your skin.
beauty-tips Super-Glue a Nail
Yikes! Accidents sometimes happen and when one of your nails break, you can choose to Super Glue it for the meantime. Add an opaque nail polish to cover the crack. Then when you get the chance to, better to cut it off.
Use Makeup Remover on Stubborn Lipstick
Instead of rubbing vigorously on your lips to remove red or dark lipstick, just dab on a cotton ball with makeup remover instead. This will help your lips from getting chapped and bruised.
Tame Brows with Eye Cream
Don’t you just hate it when there appears unsightly white specks on your brows that look like dandruff?  This means they’re a bit dry, keep them hydrated with rich eye cream.
Use brown sugar to treat dandruff
If you’ve tried all the dandruff shampoos that you can buy and still your dandruff persists, try out this homemade treatment instead. Mix two parts of brown sugar with one part conditioner and then use this on your scalp. Leave on for about 3 minutes and then rinse it off.
Buff with Baking Soda
I’ve laughed at that episode in Friends when Ross went to a self-tanning sauna and got disastrous results. If you find yourself streaking (not glowing) after applying self-tanner (not all of us become experts at the first try), scrub away the unsightly spots with a loofah doused with baking soda.
Brush on Hair Spray
What I hate about hair sprays is that your hair becomes so stiff and the overall look doesn't look natural anymore. For a neat hair trick, spray the hair spray on your hair brush after blow drying it. This way, you’ll still get the effects of the hair spray without making your hair look very stiff.
Boost Body Lotion with Baby Oil
For that shiny leg effect but don’t have any bronzing lotion with you, mix in a little baby oil into your everyday lotion to get the same effect.
Dab Body Oil on a Hangnail
Put on apricot oil, the kind found in health-food stores, to protect cuticles from turning rough and raggedy.
For younger hands, rub lemon and salt
There was one picture I saw before that was posted on Twitter, it was the hands of a celebrity. I was shocked because when I learned who it belonged to, she was only my age. I looked at my hands and they don’t look that old. So ladies, take care of those lovely hands, yes? This homemade concoction will help. Remove dead skin cells by rubbing lemon juice and sea salt on your hands with the aid of a toothbrush.
Freeze Your Eyeliner
I love eyeliners because they perk your eyes right back up. However sometimes they get too soft to be applied. A quick remedy for this will be to stick this into a freezer for 15 minutes.
beauty-tips Use Toothpaste on a Zit
Use just a pea-size amount. Let sit for 15 minutes to absorb the oil so the pimple won't get more clogged, then wash off.  Additional tip from Heyhaie: Don’t use any toothpaste that whitens, the bleach will cause the zit to redden.
Heat Up Your Curler
If you have stick-straight lashes, try blasting your metal eyelash curler with a hair dryer for a couple seconds to heat it up so your lashes bend more easily. And use a waterproof mascara. The formula dries faster than other mascaras, so it sets the curl more effectively.
beauty-tips Use Soap Without Water
You know those fancy bars that are actually too pretty to use? Toss them in your underwear or tee-shirt drawers to make your skin smell delicious. You may also use fabric softener in packets. (Tip from Taysialouise)
Lubricate Your Lashes
An easy way to draw attention to your eyes without putting on a pile of makeup is to comb petroleum jelly lightly through the tips of eyelashes to get a sexy, subtle sparkle. It might feel icky if you put on a lot, so watch how much you’ll rub in.
Steamroll Flyaways
Spray on hair spray, then roll the can over your strands. The round bottle fits the curved shape of your head, locks in the spray, and flattens out frizz.  You can also use a bit of lotion to further tame the flyaway.
Air-Dry Your Curls
Let your hair dry indoors before going out in the cold. Sometimes my curls look best when dried naturally instead of using a blow drier. It’s friendlier to your tresses too.
beauty-tips Press a Tea Bag on Splotches
If your skin is sensitive or just looking irritated and puffy for some reason, steep a bag of green tea for a minute or two, let it cool down, and dab it over your face. The antioxidants in the tea take down inflammation.
beauty-tips Shave with Conditioner
If you’ve ran out of shaving cream, you can use conditioner instead. Yep don’t use that body wash, the moisturizer in the conditioner will help prevent razor burns and will keep your skin smooth.
Amp Shine with Vinegar
Mix one part vinegar with four parts carbonated water, and soak dry hair. Leave on for 15 minutes before you shampoo to lock in shine and combat dullness.
Exfoliate Your Pits
If your underarms start to look dry and flaky, an easy trick is to exfoliate them with a gentle face scrub to keep that skin pretty when going sleeveless.
Customize Your Body Lotion
Instead of shelling out for an expensive perfumed body product, you can make your own by pouring a few drops of fragrance into any scent-free lotion. Rub it on-the scent will last for hours.
"Brush" with Mouthwash
If you're too wiped out after a late night of partying to clean your teeth, rinse with water and mouthwash, then use a dry toothbrush on the area where your teeth hit your gums.
beauty-tips Use egg-whites for eyebags
Dab a bit of egg white on his eye bags. The egg whites will tighten the skin right up. Let the egg whites dry before putting on make-up.
Make an Egg-White Mask
To revive tired, dull skin without hitting the spa table, try this: Crack open an egg in a bowl, separate the yolk, and use the egg whites to make a face mask. The proteins help to heal and restore skin's moisture. Leave it on for five minutes, and rinse off.  A note though, since egg whites tighten the skin and egg yolks moisturize, best not to use the egg white mask on a dry skin.

[SOURCES: Cosmopolitan, Real Simple, Redbook, Total Beauty]

Twenty-five Things to Know on Becoming a Teenager

A family I know has a tradition of making a book when their children hit 13. Everyone writes a memory, or a piece of advice. I set down to write a list of 25 things that are *actually* true. Is there anything wrong here? Is there anything I'm missing?

1. You are somewhat better looking that you think you are.

2. You are somewhat more popular that you think you are.

3. Your parents are somewhat more cool than you think they are. They are somewhat less cool than they think they are.

4. Your parents are sometimes wrong. You are wrong more often.

5. For any given "grown up" activity, somewhat fewer people are doing it than you think.

6. For any given "grown up" activity, somewhat fewer people are doing it than say they are doing it.

7. People are not thinking about you. They are thinking about what you're thinking about them.

8. You are entering a period of chronic, low-level insanity. You will look back on your teen age years and realize this. All teenage girls are insane.

9. Teenage boys are worse. They are stark, raving, often droolingly insane, and generally remain so well into their twenties.

10. There is nothing wrong with your breath.

11. Your body smells just fine.

12. Noses never hit. Braces do not lock. Teeth sometimes hit. Lips chap, but it take a long, long time. You now know absolutely everything about the dangers of kissing.

13. Oh, I forgot. It's much easier than you think to get a hickie. If you get one, you will try hard to hide it. Your parents and teachers will try equally hard to pretend they don't see it, or don't know what it is.

14. The coolest kids in my class are failures now. This is a simple fact. If I had known it at the time I would have thought it a very fun fact. Now I realize it's kind of sad.

15. The nerdiest kid in my mother's class went on to win a Nobel Prize in Physics. (He is, however, still a major nerd.)

16. No teacher ever hates you. They just don't think that way. The good ones will love you a little or a lot. The bad ones will have the same emotion toward you that a factory worker has toward objects flying past on an assembly line.

17. Your parents don't hate you. Your parents love you more than you can even understand now.

18. If something is illegal, there is probably a good reason.

19. The things that you think will get you into trouble probably won't get you into as much trouble as you think, but will still get you into trouble.

20. The things you think might be dangerous are probably more dangerous than you think.

21. Tattoos last an extremely long time. Studies have shown that only 1% of teenagers who get a tattoo like them ten years later.

22. Nose rings and tongue studs last only as long as you want them, but bother parents just as much.

23. You're not stuck. It will end. But it's going to take a long, long time.

24. When you enter a room and everyone is laughing, it isn't about you.

25. When you enter a room and everyone is laughing, and you recently blew your nose, and they're all pointing at you, and there's something green swinging in the corner of your vision, considering revising rule 24

This is a guest post by
Fahim Ahsan
Founder of AimToLive
Originally Shared on his blog!

5 Reasons You Should Be Eating Fermented Foods

Fermented Foods 
Before you turn up your nose at fermented food, just remember this: If you’ve ever had pickles with your sandwich, or sauerkraut on your hot dog, or kefir, or yogurt, or kimchi, or miso, or beer, or wine, then you too have indulged with pleasure. What’s more, while savouring their distinctive flavors, you probably weren’t focused on their actual health benefits. The fact is that these foods have been shown to boost our immune and digestive systems by increasing the number of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.
The word fermentation comes from the Latin term to boil, probably because early attempts at fermenting beverages resulted in bubbling and foaming that looked a lot like boiling. In the process of fermentation, organic substances are turned into simpler compounds by enzymes. Among the microorganisms that produce these enzymes are molds, yeasts, and bacteria.

Molds and yeasts belong to the fungus kingdom, and are distinct from both plants and animals.
Microorganisms, however, unlike molds and yeasts, need more than carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to feed and grow on. The fermentation that occurs along the way is incidental to their growth. Whatever the agents of fermentation, the healthy bacteria they provide to the gut increases the body’s defenses against harmful contamination, viruses, worms, parasites, and yes, unhealthy fungi and bacteria.

Almost all indigenous cultures around the world include some form of fermented food in their diet, and have been doing so since Neolithic times. The earliest in the West were yeast-based beer, wine, and bread, and cheeses made by bacteria and molds.
In East Asia, these were followed not long after with yogurt and other fermented milk products, pickles, vinegar, butter, and other alcoholic beverages. Fermentation has been an essential feature of Asian cuisines ever since. Japanese natto (soybeans), Chinese douchi (black beans), Korean kimchi (cabbage, radish, and other root vegetables), Vietnamese nuoc mam (fish sauce), Burmese ngachauk (dried fish), are all staples of each country’s daily diets. In addition, many fermented foods in Eastern cultures are valued for their medicinal properties as well.

Sad, then, that we seem to be seeing a decrease in traditional food fermentation in developing countries of the East – a decline partly due to the influence of Western supermarkets and fast-food culture. All the more reason for keeping alive this age-old culture of preservation, by introducing some fermented foods into our diet.
Here are five excellent reasons to do so:

Absorption of nutrients. The digestive enzyme in fermented foods increases absorption of nutrients by rendering them “partially digested,” thus helping the breakdown of food in our body before it's even ingested.

Lactose intolerance is a common allergic reaction to milk. Fermented cultures in yogurt may help alleviate this intolerance. For vegans, coconut kefirs are a great substitute.
Weight loss. Numerous studies demonstrate the effects that healthy bacteria  can have on weight loss.

A study on obesity published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that by simply drinking a probiotic-rich fermented drink for 12 weeks, subjects reduced their abdominal fat by nearly 5 percent.

Another study on infants aged 6 months and 12 months identified those with high counts of bifidobacteria as being far less prone to obesity than those with lower counts, perhaps explaining why breastfed babies are similarly less prone to obesity (since bifidobacteria are more prevalent in mother’s milk.)

Additionally, two separate studies detected 90% more of a healthy bacteria called bacteroidetes in lean people than in obese people.

Immune system boosts. Intestinal flora is often overlooked by conventional medicine in fighting disease. Perhaps knowing that 85% of our body's immune system lives in our intestines and carries approximately 100 trillion bacteria (both good and bad), should be sufficient reason to “go with our gut” in treating various ailments. It’s worth remembering too that fermented foods contain probiotics that colonize the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial microorganisms for a healthy immune system.

Studies published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews and The Journal of Nutrition show not only how probiotics may reduce diarrhea and other intestinal problems, but how they may even protect the body against colon cancer. In keeping with such findings, according to the United Nations University, kefir has been used in the treatment of tuberculosis, cancer, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Other maladies widely believed to benefit from probiotics therapy are diarrhea, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Vitamin content. The process of fermentation greatly increases the vitamin content in foods containing B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Choline, Thiamine, and Biotin.
According to The International Journal of Food Science & Technology, “Fermented dairy products show an increased level of folic acid which is critical to producing healthy babies as well as pyroxidine, B vitamins, riboflavin and biotin depending on the strains of bacteria present.”

Longer food shelf life. If you’re ready and willing to try out food fermentation at home – whether for health, culinary, or experimental purposes – the good news is that one of the easiest and most common methods of food preservation.

It is thought that in early societies, before the process was understood, fermentation was seen as a miracle of transformation. The Egyptians praised Osiris for the brewing of beer; the Greeks worshipped Bacchus as the god of wine; in Japan, few miso and shoyu breweries were without a small shrine to the Gods.

Maybe the time has come now to recapture the sense of wonder inherent in this ancient practice of preserving our food and satisfying our taste buds at the same time. And to think that all it takes is the nearest vegetable to hand—carrots, cucumbers, onions, garlic, radishes, cauliflower, you name it; a bit of salt, and a nice clean jar … and a miracle is born!

The Increasingly Transcendent Spirit of Rice Beer

Consider the following from the Beverage Tasting Institute:
Clear with a nickel cast. Bright honeyed Asian pear, ripe pineapple husk, and delicate lemongrass and anise aromas follow through on a soft, silky entry to a dry-yet-fruity medium with excellent depth and glassy smoothness. Finishes with a long, refreshing fade with a hint of coconut milk. Excellent vibrancy and acidity for the table.
No, it’s not Meursault or Alsatian Riesling. It’s a sake: the ultra-premium Tears of Dawn by Konseki. Yes, sake, but now, with much the same aplomb seen in the current craft-brewed beer explosion, Japanese sake brewers like Konseki are experimenting with exciting new styles, as well as revisiting some of the island country’s most revered rice-brew methods dating from as long ago as 2,000 years. (By the way, “rice wine” is one of alcohol’s most pervasive misnomers.) Unmistakably Japan’s national beverage, the oldest active sake brewer was founded in AD 1141.

Rice “Beer” History
Humanity’s first brewmaster likely chewed on mouthfuls of grain, allowing enzymes in saliva to break down the starches so wild yeast could turn the gob into a form of beer. Likewise, the earliest winemakers crushed grapes into simple hollowed-out depressions in boulders and left them for wind-borne yeasts to find and feast on the sugars; in effect, emitting alcohol (wine) as waste. As inebriants, these crude beverages were coveted as divine gifts. Time passed, techniques improved, and the craft of making alcohol from grains and grapes developed most promisingly in the religious orders. From the abbeys and monasteries of Flanders and Burgundy and Kyoto, early ascetics found that their brewing and winemaking skills earned them special protections and favors from local rulers. Thus, wine and beer and devotion came of age together.

Sake’s four ingredients are rice, koji (a natural mold added to moistened rice to break down the starches), yeast, and water. Nearly 60 varieties of sake rice — much starchier than eating-rice — are cultivated around Japan, each with its own nuance and compatibility with the available water. Quality sake is dependent on the painstaking process of milling or polishing off the outer layers of each grain of rice to reach the high-starch interior (sake is graded by what percentage of the exterior has been removed in a process that can take more than 70 hours).

From the mills, the rice emerges hot and dry. It is allowed at least two weeks for cooling, helped along by a dose of humidity; then it is washed to remove impurities and soaked in fresh water to help with the starch-to-sugar conversion. Water quality is crucial: rice reacts very favorably to trace amounts of potassium, magnesium, and phosphoric acid, while a high-iron content doesn’t work at all. Next, it is steamed and then cooled again until the expanded rice is perfectly ripe for the koji mold to further break down the starches. Koji’s influence also enhances the body and character of the final product and works compatibly with yeast, the next step in sake’s exacting preparation. In a four-day process, massive vats are filled sequentially with a conglomeration of steamed rice, koji rice, and the yeast starter. Fermentation takes 15 to 18 days. By adjusting the dosages of the three elements, brewers manipulate the final style of their sake in terms of sweet or dry, lighter bodied or rich, etc. The fully fermented liquid is then pressed off and filtered through charcoal (or sometimes not). As is the case with unfiltered wine, certain brewers believe filtering robs the sake of unique flavors and authenticity. Finally, the sake is heated to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit for pasteurization (or sometimes not). Brewers can also add a bit of water at this time to reduce the alcohol to around 15 percent. Certain styles of sake call for distilled alcohol to be added during fermentation. On average, sake’s alcohol content is around 15 to 16 percent. Indeed, sake is anything but simple and straightforward.

Types and Serving Tips
Premium sake is made in three categories: Junmai — 30 percent or more of the rice is milled away. (The Junmai category also includes Honjozo sake, wherein a small amount of distilled alcohol is added during fermentation.) Junmai Ginjo — 40 percent or more of the rice is milled away. Junmai Daiginjo — 50 percent or more is milled away. (Less than 10 percent of all the sake on the market is made to the standards of Ginjo and Daiginjo.)
If alcohol was added during fermentation, producers will not use the term “Junmai.” Nigori refers to unfiltered sake; the bottles retain lees (dead yeast cells and rice polishings) and appear cloudy in the bottle. Otherwise, look for Genshu if you’d like undiluted sake, and Nama if you like your sake unpasteurized.

Contemporary sake drinkers are experimenting wildly with sake cocktails, Western food and sake pairings, wine glasses and other unconventional drinking vessels, and so on. The most significant and freeing new practice is to drink sake at room temperature or chilled. Nevertheless, the extraordinary nuance found in premium sake is best experienced at temperatures well above human body temperature.

Historically, the Japanese drink sake with food — either choose a sake to pair with a dish that has complementary flavors, or play up the contrast in flavors between the two. Sake is especially well suited to raw fish, fermented and pickled foods, dishes featuring miso and soy sauce, and even cheese, due to the koji flavors inherent in sake. Professionals point to the high amino acid content of sake as the reason it pairs so well with so many foods, but you may be more comforted by an ancient Japanese proverb, which simply translates to “doesn’t get into fights with food,” in the words of Philip Harper in his The Book of Sake.

3 Recipes for Sexual Vitality

Eager to rev up your libido? Click here to learn more about the best foods to feed your body's sexual vitality, then try these recipes from raw vegan chef Elyse Clark.
Super Kale Salad
1 head of kale

1 ripe avocado

1/3 cup unrefined flax oil 

2 tablespoons Bragg's Liquid Aminos/Nama Shoyu/Tamari

1/2 cup nutritional yeast

2 tablespoons garlic powder

1 tablespoons chili powder

1/4 cup pumpkin seeds

1/4 cup hemp seeds

1. Wash kale and remove leaves from stem; place stems aside for juicing or composting. Break leaves into bite size pieces using hands or kitchen scissor

2. Massage kale with avocado, flax, and aminos followed by remaining ingredients until well incorporated. Serve.
Pumpkin Seed Pesto Sauce

 2 cups raw pumpkin seeds

1 cup olive oil

1/2 cup parsley

1/2 cup basil

1 tsp himalayan pink salt

1 garlic clove

1.  Blend in food processor or high speed blender until desired consistency is reached
Maca Brazil Truffles
(pictured above)
1 cup raw brazil nuts

1 1/4 cups unsweetened shredded coconut

1 1/2 tablespoons maca

3/4 cup date paste or soaked and pitted Medjool dates

1 tablespoons maple

1 teaspoons vanilla powder

1.  Combine all in food processor (if the dough is too dry add teaspoon of water, too wet add extra coconut)
2. Form into balls and let set in fridge for 20 minutes or longer.

Hungry for More: What to Eat for Sexual Vitality


Rev up your sexual vitality with cinnamon and other surprising foods.

Envision a ripe, juicy apricot. It beckons from the kitchen counter—full, sweet, and ready to be enjoyed. Now think about a bag of dried apricots. They’re in the pantry, for use . . . whenever. Our sexuality should be like the fresh apricot: a nourishing and urgent part of our lives. Yet many of us struggle to feel desire, or we lack the energy to act on it.

“My mom confided in me that she only had sex when she went on vacation,” says Brigitte Mars, a herbalist and nutritional consultant based in Boulder, Colorado. “And I said, ‘But, Mom, you only go on vacation once a year!’” Luckily for Mom (and Dad!), Mars is the author of The Sexual Herbal and offered to make meals that contained a lot of cinnamon. The results? “After a week, she winked at me.”

“Cinnamon, consistently eaten, keeps you ‘user ready,’” explains Brian Clement. He and his wife, Anna Maria, both naturopaths and nutritionists, are the authors of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality. “It’s the biggest question we hear: How can I get my libido back?” says Anna Maria Clement. That’s a question worth pursuing, she says. “Sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to the quality of life.”

The right foods can support desire, but if you’re envisioning oysters, think again: Foods for sexual vitality are different from aphrodisiacs, says Mars. “You want to tone the whole body. It’s not, What can I do for tonight? but, rather, having extra energy for sex.” Here are the powerhouse foods that will fan your desire: 

Nuts and seeds, especially sesame, chia, sunflower, hemp, and pumpkin. “Raw nuts and seeds have a lot of life force,” says Mars, who suggests soaking chia seeds overnight and having them for breakfast with blueberries, nuts, and honey.

Grains, beans, and squash. “The best way to eat squash is raw,” says Brian Clement. “Grate it up and add it to salads or dips.”

Turmeric, lemon, and cayenne, which support healthy circulation. “Some of the smallest capillaries in the body go down to the penis and vaginal areas,” Clement says. “Blood flow is necessary for full arousal,” agrees Laurie Steelsmith, a Honolulu-based naturopathic physician and the author of Great Sex, Naturally.

Cruciferous vegetables, acai, mangosteen, and berries. These support liver health, which is also vital to good circulation, says Steelsmith.

Cardamom, garlic, and ginger. “You want to warm your body up, not cool your jets,” says Mars. “Make your food healthy and exciting.”

Maca. This root is associated with stabilizing hormones, says Elyse Clark, a raw vegan chef and educator from Deer Park, New York. She uses maca powder, beets, and Brazil nuts to make raw-food truffles.

Dark chocolate. It contains L-arginine (a vasodilator) and phenylethylamine, which makes you feel happy, Steelsmith says. Skip the chocolate bar, with its added sugar and fat. Instead, buy cocoa powder and add it to your smoothies.

Root vegetables. “Roots are said to energize your lower chakras,” says Mars. Try burdock root, carrots, and beets.

Avoid fatty foods and alcohol, which will make you sluggish, and coffee, which Steelsmith says lowers testosterone in both men and women.

Overall, focus on fresh, unprocessed foods. “When you eat cleaner, you function more optimally,” says Clark. “Even your response to human touch will change—you can get aroused by simpler things. Your body is getting the message more clearly.”

How Loneliness Makes You Sick

A new study sheds light on why being lonely is such a major health risk. 

One is the loneliest number, and it may be the sickest number, as well. A new study from a team of researchers, including UChicago psychologist and leading loneliness expert John Cacioppo, sheds light on why being lonely is such a major health risk.
Previous research from Cacioppo and UChicago showed that feeling lonely can up an older person’s chances of premature death by 14 percent. But the biological reasons why haven’t been well understood. This study looked at adults aged 50 to 68, as well as a species of monkey called rhesus macaques, which are known for being particularly sociable. Researchers looked at gene expression in leukocytes, cells in the immune system that help protect our bodies against bacteria and viruses. In both lonely humans and lonely macaques, there was decreased expression of genes involved in antiviral response. Interestingly, this gene expression and loneliness seem reciprocal: the gene expression could predict loneliness measured a year or so later.
Loneliness also triggered higher levels of the “fight or flight” neurotransmitter, norepinephrine. This stimulates blood stem cells in bone marrow, up-regulating the body’s inflammation response. So loneliness was causing more inflammation and less viral protection, causing less optimal health conditions.
According to Cacioppo’s 2014 work on the health risks of loneliness, symptoms can include interrupted sleep, depression, higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and increased blood pressure. He says it isn’t actual isolation that causes health risks—some people are completely fine with solitude—but a profound sensation of being alone that causes negative effects. His research suggests three important areas where we can foster healthy relationships as we age:
  1. Intimate connectedness, which comes from have people in your life who affirm who you are.
  2. Relational connectedness, which means having face-to-face interactions that feel mutually rewarding.
  3. Collective connectedness, or a feeling that you are part of something that is bigger than yourself, something beyond your individual existence.
These three types of connectedness help older adults become more resilient, less depressed and have higher subjective well-being.
“Retiring to Florida to live in a warmer climate among strangers isn’t necessarily a good idea if it means you are disconnected from the people who mean the most to you,” wrote Cacioppo in his study. Population changes make understanding the role of loneliness and health all the more important, he explained.

How to Easily Make Your Partner Feel Loved

Case in point: many years ago I was with a girlfriend I’ll call Bonnie. I was giving her a nice shoulder massage when she suddenly blurted out, “Would you cut that out!” Totally caught off guard, I said “Cut what out?” She annoyingly stated, “You’re always massaging me. You’re always touching me. Why do you have to be so grabby?” It was true—I frequently massaged her. So I said to her, “I do that to show you how much I care about you.” She quickly responded, “Well, I don’t feel very loved. After all, you never tell me you love me.” She was right again; I never actually said the words “I love you” to her, although she frequently said such things to me.

Bonnie and I had a long discussion about this episode and we finally realized what had been going on. While I was growing up, whenever I was being spanked or punished, my parents would say, “We’re doing this because we love you.” Therefore, the words “I love you” had a negative connotation to me. I figured, talk is cheap. The way to really show a woman you love her is to touch her in pleasant ways. That was my “rule” of how real love should be expressed. On the other hand, while Bonnie was growing up, she had an uncle who frequently gave her massages. One day, this uncle sexually molested her. Therefore, she took my massages as being a precursor of impending doom. We both thought we were expressing love to each other, when in fact we were unconsciously pushing each other’s buttons!

The way we tend to express love to another person is, in most cases, the way in which we would like to receive it. I gave Bonnie massages because that’s what makes me feel loved. Even if a gorilla gave me a massage, I’d feel totally loved. Bonnie frequently told me she loved me because that’s what she wanted to hear. When people are unaware of their partner’s preferred ways of feeling loved, they end up expending a lot of energy that goes unappreciated. Yet by knowing exactly what helps your partner feel safe and loved, it becomes infinitely easier to create intimacy on a consistent basis. 
There is a simple exercise you can do with your partner to find out how best to charm his or her heart. Have him or her become comfortable in a chair, and then say the following: “Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and begin to think of a specific time you felt really loved by me. Remember that time as clearly as you can. Remember where we were, what we were doing, and exactly what happened that let you know I really loved you.” Give your partner a minute or so to fully re-experience such a moment. Then proceed, “What was most important in letting you know I fully loved you? Was it something I said, or the way I looked at you, the way I touched you, or something else? What exactly helped you to know that I really loved you?” Listen carefully to what your partner says, because the answer(s) to this question can transform your relationship.

By knowing how your own heart is charmed, you can reveal  this important information to your partner. Try the previous exercise on yourself, or have your partner read it to you. You may be surprised to discover exactly what your partner does that creates a warm feeling of safety and love in you. Once your mate knows how to help you feel loved, he or she can more easily and consistently show you affection.

Every time you charm your partner’s heart, you’re making a “loving deposit” in to your “shared love account.” Your shared love account is like a bank balance you share together. When things are going well, there’s a lot of love put into “savings.”When both of you consistently make deposits into your shared account, you feel abundantly in love. It’s much easier to handle problems when there’s an abundance of love in your love account. Therefore, make frequent deposits of love in your relationship account by charming your partner’s heart. Remember to do the little actions that make a big difference in how your partner feels. It will immediately help both of you feel wonderfully intimate, and when problems arise, you’ll have plenty of love “banked” to help you ride out the storm.

15 Questions to Ask Your Partner to Deepen Your Connection

Couples who have strong bonds remain interested in each other. They remain curious about each other’s experiences and inner lives, such as their thoughts, feelings, and fears.
As such, a great way to cultivate your connection is to talk about these inner worlds — because good communication goes beyond talk of tasks, errands and kids. (Those topics, of course, also are important. But so is delving into the intimate and often overlooked conversations.)
We asked several relationship experts for their suggestions for meaningful, fun or thought-provoking questions that partners can ask each other. Here’s what they shared.

How was your day today?
It’s such a simple, straightforward question. But in the chaos of daily living, you might forget to ask it. “This allows people to share specifics and stay connected on a day-to-day basis,” said Mudita Rastogi, Ph.D, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Arlington Heights, Ill.

What do you need from me right now?
This is an important question to ask when your partner is having a difficult day, Rastogi said. “It allows the asking partner to tailor their help to what is needed.”

How do I express my anger and conflict?  
This is a question that each partner asks themselves, responding out loud while the other partner listens.
According to Beverly Hills clinical psychologist Fran Walfish, PsyD, the number one determining factor for a healthy, lasting relationship is managing conflict effectively. That includes listening without interruption, being willing to discuss issues, tolerating differences and strategizing solutions, she said.

What are you looking forward to today, this week and this month?
“This helps you tune in to what your partner enjoys,” Rastogi said. Plus, it balances out the more serious and potentially negative topics, she said.

Am I being a good spouse to you?
What are three things that I do that you couldn’t live without?
What are the ways you most experience or feel love from me or from what I do?
“It is important to check in regularly to see if what you are doing and saying is positively feeding the relationship,” said Erik R. Benson, MSW, LCSW, a private therapist in the Chicago and North Suburbs area. He suggested asking these three questions.

If you could be a character in any book, which character would you be, and why?
If you could go back in time to your teenage self, what two words would you say?
Benson also shared these two questions, which his wife, who works in the special education field, has asked him to help her get to know him better.

Describe the perfect you day (or if you could do anything you wanted for a day, what would it be?)
This is another question Benson’s wife has asked him. Such information helps her plan activities, dates and gifts, he said.

If I could change one thing about myself I would change _____.
“This gives you a window into something the person feels insecure about,” Walfish said. And it’s an opportunity for partners to be empathic and compassionate with each other, she said.

If I spent a typical day in your shoes, describe what I would experience.
Benson suggested asking the above question. Empathy is key for healthy relationships, and such questions help partners gain a deeper understanding into each other’s experiences.

What would you do in life if money weren’t an issue?
“This helps [couples] connect around long-term wishes, dreams and plans,” Rastogi said.

If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
This is another question that reveals your partner’s fantasies and even their personal character, Walfish said.

What is your greatest fear?
“You can support your partner by not pressuring when approaching the scary territory,” Walfish said. You also can ask how to help your partner become more comfortable, she said. “You want to be your partner’s safe harbor to come to for safety, soothing and healing.”

What would be your last wishes if you were incapacitated and unable to make health care decisions?
No doubt this is a difficult question to bring up. But, as Rastogi said, it’s a critical one.

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?  
This one leaves the conversation on a positive note, Walfish said. “Each one of you gets to think about happy, wonderful influences in your lives.”

7 Effective Fast Weight Loss Secrets - Dieting Tips

Contrary to the bazillion articles you’ve probably come across in regards to fast dieting tips, it really is possible to find some helpful tips and secrets to get you started on your way to a brand new lean and healthy body. Most of the tips you find across the Internet, in books, etc. might be bizarre and difficult to put into practice on a regular basis. However, in today’s blog entry you will find 7 easy, yet very effective fast weight loss tips to get you started.  Start implementing these today and see if you don’t lose weight while beginning your new eating plan!
Mind Games…
Eat while sitting in front of a mirror! Now the mirror doesn’t have to be directly in front of your plate, just attempt to position yourself where you can see your reflection. Studies have shown that people who see themselves eat, consume a third less food than those who don’t.

1/2 Of Your Plate Should Be…
Serve your vegetables first. Fill your plate with lots of vegetables and leave only a small space for a portion of meat and potatoes. Choose cauliflower, carrots, broccoli and other seasonal vegetables. You will be adding lots of fiber and antioxidants to your diet, plus eating veggies is a great way to feel full faster.
It’s Not Just DRINK More Water…
Eat more foods which contain water, and by doing this you are consuming less calories. The water content in these foods will help keep you full. You can also choose to eat more soups, especially if you are attempting to eat at your lower calorie allowance.

Lots Of Color Vs. Plain And Dull…
It is well known that white foods contain more additives and starches.  These are the foods which cause you to gain weight and body fat the fastest. When you sit down for dinner, ensure your plate has lots of color in it. What looks better: Grilled chicken, broccoli and carrots with a baked potato OR… French fries and breaded chicken strips?

The Carbs TO Eat…
When it comes to choosing breads, rice and pastas, opt for whole grain (complex carbs) varieties. Brown rice has a delicious nutty flavor and once you have tried it, you won’t go back to choosing white rice again.

Stay Home, Save Money, And Relax…
Try to eat the majority of your foods at home. Eating out is expensive plus you have no control of how the foods are cooked and what fats and oils are added. By eating freshly prepared foods at home, you will know exactly what has gone into your meal.  You have the choice to keep the calorie content down and the nutrition level high.

The Gobbler Vs. The Nibbler…
The last tip is to sit and enjoy your meal. Gobbling food down fast does nothing for your digestive system, plus you will feel hungry again soon after. Concentrate on your meal and savor each mouthful. Eating slowly allows you to feel full quickly, and you will begin to eat smaller portions almost immediately.

Top 10 Ways To Lose 15 Pounds in 3 Weeks

Many online websites and forums give various ways to lose weight ”fast”. But most of them have no references and give out false information. What I’m writing is the truth and the best way to really 15 lbs in one month…

  1. Stop eating foods with added sugar, especially refined sugar. No soda and no sweets.
  2. Avoid as best possible anything that has ”Concentrated Glucose-Fructose”. This is the worst possible glucose you can eat.
  3. Stop eating fried foods. No french fries, no fried chicken, nothing fried.
  4. Cut down to the maximum of saturated and trans. fat. If its sticky and waxy, its probably saturated.
  5. Drink a lot of water. 1/2 your body-weight in ounces of fresh cold water for best results.
  6. Eat more vegetables. Such as greens, carrots, tomatoes, all sorts of vegetables.
  7. Eat small (no more than 300-400 calories) meals five times a day. Each meal must contain proteins, fibers and must be low in fat.
  8. Workout at least 4 times per week, between 1h30 and 2h a day. Do light to moderate intensity exercises. It’s important that you do aerobics but you must also include anaerobic workouts (resistance training such as weight lifting). Speak with a personal trainer to plan a workout routine for you, and also speak to your doctor to prior to beginning any workout regimen. It is proven that following a routine helps keep motivation and also tracks down your improvements.
  9. Eat high protein meals right after a workout. (within 1 hour). Avoid eating too much meat (except for lean healthy meat such as chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, grass fed beef). Ensure that you eat beans, lentils, chick peas, quinoa or egg whites. Optionally (and what is highly recommend), you can take protein supplements such as Whey Protein Shakes right after a workout. Try to eat at least 60 grams of proteins a day with as least fat as possible.
  10. Stop eating 2 hours before going to bed (especially with bad carbs and bad fats).
Do the above consistently and you WILL lose about 2-3 pounds per week… naturally and permanently.

Now if you are eating right, if you find a simple and effective online fat loss progra, if you cut down your fat and sugar intake as much as possible, and if you do all of this while maintaining a good workout routine to exhaust your body, you WILL be able lose 3-4 pounds per week.

Important note: You will lose less weight the closer you are to your fitness level weight. Once you achieve this weight, you can either eat more lean proteins and do more anaerobic exercises to gain muscle mass or do less cardio and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

10 Shapes for Your Eyeshadow You ever needs

This article is especially for those of you who may feel stuck with your everyday makeup look and desire to branch out, but just can’t seem to figure out the best way to do it. Whether you are new to makeup, or a pro, we hope you find these ten eyeshadow shapes useful!


Makeup is, after all, just a trick of the light. By highlighting certain areas, you can easily create the illusion of a brighter eye. Using lighter shades in areas to help them stand out, and deeper shades to add depth, pushing them back.
My favorite sweet spots to highlight are the inner corner of the eye, the center of the eyelid, and along the brow bone. Placing highlights in these three areas will help accentuate the eye and overall leave them looking bigger and brighter.

Different Eyeshadow Shapes:

There are countless ways for one to use eyeshadows. By combining different colors, textures, and finishes you can create different eye shapes that will help you switch up your daily routine. Here are a few ideas where to apply the deepest shade.
Bust out the box and experiment with a new eye shape today! If you’re feeling extra daring, throw on a color you wouldn’t normally wear.

 Inner Corner:

Add a darker shadow to the inside of the lid. This is a great placement for those of you with wide set eyes, as it helps reduce the space between your eyes.

 Outer Corner:

Adding dark shades to the outer corner of the lid is flattering to most eye shapes, but particularly for those with close set eyes. Having the darkest part on the far side of the lid helps your eyes appear farther apart.

Both Corners:

This is a great shape for all, as it compliments most eye shapes. By adding the darkest shadow to both the inner and outer corners, while still highlighting in the other areas (as shown) this placement neither makes your eyes look smaller or larger. This shape is also very versatile, as it works well with both neutral or bold, dramatic colors.

Outer Corner, “Cat Shape”:

Pull your eye upwards with this cat eye shape by applying your darkest shadow to the outer corner in a large winged shape.
If your eyelids droop a little (or a lot), this shape will help pull them back up and give them that extra boost they need. This shape is notorious for being on the devious side: the upwards angle of the shadow creates a more mysterious look.

Outer Corner & Crease, Blended Upwards:

The darker shadow is applied to the outer corner and crease, and then blended up towards the brow, where it meets the highlighter and blends together with it.
Again, this is a great shape that is flattering on all eye types. It works especially well for those with hooded eyes. If you have hooded eyes, be sure to extend the shadows upward a little more so the color shows up with an open eye.


This technique can make your eyes appear wider and your lid longer. Apply to the outer corner, carrying the dark shadow to just above your inner corner and blend together.

Whole Inner Part:

This shape isn’t for everyone. It’s quite a bit bolder and has the tendency to make some look angry or their eyebrows too heavy. We suggest trying it with lighter colors first to see if it’s a good fit for you.

 Just The Crease:

Apply the dark shadow neatly to the crease. This will help create more depth. If you add a lighter shadow to the lid your eye will appear much larger. This shape is typically known as a “cut crease”.

 Whole Lid:

Apply dark shadow to the entire lid. This can be heavy on the eye, and very bold. Be careful using bright colors with this shape, if you are not looking to draw too much attention to your eyes.
Well, there ya have it, our Top Ten Eyeshadow Shapes! We hope you found some of these shapes useful. Remember: don’t be afraid to try a new look, you might just find one you really love!
All The Best,
The Makeup Geek Team

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